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tv   [untitled]    February 27, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EST

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breaking news and also international a local pro russian first houses and government and column of buildings in someone ukraine but demonstrators who refuse to recognize the country's new leaders clash with my done rally meanwhile in kiev. is cheers instead of cheers but even they were placement leaders the protestors blood just a comes out and warning the former opposition against letting them down. if there's one thing you don't want a potential ambassador to china to admit if this zero zero. zero rule extreme charter. is just one of the diplomacy gaps surrounding president obama's choices for foreign service way it seems campaign contributions qualify for your global
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statesmanship. and violence in venezuela unrest spreads from the capital with fear as street battles breaking out in the north over and over to. the international coming to you live from moscow and a very warm welcome to the ball graham and breaking news just in ukraine's ousted president to get a call that says he's still considering himself a legitimate leader and warning against. his statement says he's ready to fight until the end sealing the deal with all opposition over ukraine out of the political crisis they standoff between supporters and opponents of ukraine's new
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leadership is flaring up a group of local pro russian protesters have ended buzz a cabinet and the parliament building on cheezy groups going off is following the events in the region for us. well a group of unidentified people entered the local administration buildings in the capital of the crimea and raised a russian flag on top of them and reportedly they are allowing local deputies inside but nevertheless the new authorities in kiev for specifically the acting president has named the situation an attempt at the crimean independence and said that they are sending some sort of security forces to the crimea to what they say will be preventing any violence from erupting and keeping safety here all this happens after clashes erupt it's a very in the center of the in the same town between the pro russian supporters and
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those supporting political change in kiev with political tensions turning into ethnic once. allowed bar more into ukraine cheer in the crimea nationalist slogans are being shouted alongside pro russian ones they share the same lent but definitely not the same political views i. wish we all came out today to show that without our approval no decisions will be maint we see the crimea is a part of ukraine the majority of people here support russia in the u.s.s.r. the crimea belong to the russian soviet republic until nine hundred fifty four when the then soviet leadership decided to transfer it to the administration off so he did crane and when the u.s.s.r. collapsed in one thousand nine hundred one the crimea was left as a part of independent ukraine. the crimea always used to be russian and was passed
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over to the crane unlawfully it's time for justice to prevail in the square in front of the a local administration building here insuperable has. division. by zero zero four the political changes and if you are truly brilliant and go for production with the russian flags there for you playing works here and the tensions are reaching the boiling point. even when you severely so it's that most of the crimean tatars have been siding with the ukrainian nationalist but they were never able to agree on much was about tatars want their own crimean tartar government as it was but the idea is too far fetched under way at this point however nationalism is far more important than logic and the majority here are expecting the local crimean authorities to exercise the political will and not oh well a new ethnic conflict in europe to break out. you go to school of reporting from the crimea. protests against and in support of ukraine's new leaders are gathering
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steam in crimea where pro my john run is a large lead by the local muslim top top community which is in the minority that most of the area's population are russians and over seventy percent of the people are russian speakers that even so foreign media attempting to lay the blame on mosco for stirring up people who are unhappy with the upheaval that as international relations expert moxley about explains we've seen a habit among the western mainstream media that if we see armed insurgents that are anti russian there are identified as legitimate or peaceful protesters or the like whereas if we have. protesters or people taking norms as it appears that some groups of people within the crimea have done with a pro russian orientation it is obviously the fault of lattimer putin personally. so there is a degree of the show is
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a subjective narrative being formed then demonization which is entirely understandable from a national interest point of view. some media outlets are raising the specter of russian troops getting involved in crimea linking it to the turmoil across ukraine but local officials deny the reports they explained that the personnel who are being seen there are no regular forces of the russian navy base which has been there for many years. and of all the nearly triumphant in my down square the time ahead is handing out top ministerial jobs in scenes more reminiscent of medieval times than modern democracy every kind of its name was read out to the rule the crowd. all were universally popular one of the key figures of the first of the opposition arsenius unique was booed after being suggested as prime minister even haven
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labeled the suggested cabinet as a kamikaze government and the improvised procedure was interrupted when the name of the most radical ultra right activist came up on the list. when you sort of. broader brought to order. it seems the crowd is shaping the future executive authority with some on stage whispering in front of slauson is preventing to be treated as a name from appearing the far right radical leader than on the list of suggested candidates but was crossed off at the very last moment. months of turmoil have done nothing to prevent ukraine from balancing on the edge of default the us repairing
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a plan to provide financial support the i.m.f. to is expected to offer aid but that's likely to come with some painful conditions and here are some of the will seems the i.m.f. demobbed was. ending from the previous administration so first off pension reform the government had to increase there were time and age also a number of benefits and welfare payments should have been canceled including those for school children and the elderly electricity and gas prices needed to be pushed up both for businesses and the private sector with households facing up to a two fold increase state owned coal mines located primarily in the east were said to be privatized and on top of that agricultural lands had to be put up for sale with the existing moratorium eventually it lifted and let's not talk more on the state ukraine's economy is that would be what kind of get with your political experts mr and william and welcome to alice he says those were some preset
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penfold reforms we're understanding plan a plan back do you think the i.m.f. will ease up on its requirements for ukraine's new leadership i don't think so at all it's clear that washington is during this the e.u. compromise that we saw take shape on the twenty first of february in less than twelve hours was shattered by professional paramilitary snipers that created panic and. loads on the other opposition leaders to break the deal with the e.u. and with the. young tickell which is government so the developments that the u.s. is imposing on ukraine are very clear and they're their man as. likely candidate or likely. person to become the next prime minister of victoria nuland. choice and only telephone conversation. and the conditions
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that the u.s. wants to impose is simply a looting and plundering what the list you just read up that's of looting and plundering of the. prime economic areas that are interrelated linked since the soviet union era to the russian economy so you have you have the agricultural land some of the best agricultural land in the world western agribusiness is salivating around the mouth for twenty two years to get their hands on that now the i.m.f. is going to demand privatization coal privatization it's also in the east the gas prices going up two hundred percent and you wonder what the benefit is of this great opposition movement which wanted so dearly to become a part of the e.u. this is a manipulation from the outside even the. military forces the snipers and the opposition movement the are. the ones who have been so
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well timed in shattering any diplomatic solution repeatedly in ukraine these so-called whole un a u.n. a soul appears to be intimately coordinated with with nato and the washington agenda destabilizing russia since nine hundred ninety since the in fact since the. events that brought you know it's an end and fortunate of. the russian government regime change so quickly can they have cranes needed as a forward or do you crane's leaders be able even willing to risk popular backing and fulfilling such conditions to get eight. they will get a they want does get pittances the united states government is making verbal silence about money the u.s. treasury is not in any political shape to give billions of dollars to the ukrainian economy estimates are thirty five billion required i can imagine that the russian government is not at all disposed to follow through on his pledges that it made to
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the previous government about fifteen billion dollars of of debt purchases to help ukraine out of its wind and reduction of the natural gas prices i would expect russia not to be suicidal in it when when the events of taken place that have taken place so this isn't putin the big bad nasty against the wonderful peace loving ukrainian people this is a torch that has been orchestrated by washington victoria nuland as we know from the you tube was intimately involved a stick or neuter of this and when the e.u. independent of the u.s. by the way a twenty first century was in washington was not invited into the talks and steinmeier sikorsky and the french foreign minister were mediating a compromise diplomatic solution and i think washington's answer came within twelve hours when the snipers met all hell breaks loose in kiev and everything was shattered and now we have the new government which is exactly what washington.
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nuland said in that the telephone conversation to the u.s. ambassador in kiev and the agenda of the i.m.f. to simply plunder and loot the best parts of the ukrainian economy which happen to be in the russian speaking part of ukraine in the east so it's very clear that this is the massive assault by certain circles new conservative circles and others in washington. to weaken russia and weaken the economy and the russian part of the economy of ukraine kept in its current state when and dow thank you very much indeed. thank you. senators may be preparing to give ukraine a financial lifeline but perhaps a little diligence is required to stay here exactly gets the money radical hardliners among the four ball position are seeking more control of ukraine's new administration with some of them attending a local polman session while to the t's get more on that side of the story as are
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teed off. stay with us the international for northern ukraine's ousted president to make to get a coach on the statement has released in the past hour more details and a couple of. the transit routes of a new people report your best way to the heart of moscow. right
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to see. the first strike. and i would think that your. own army would.
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be in the. back to this hour's breaking news story ukraine's ousted president in the says he's still the country's legitimate leader in statements released in the past hour and has also asked russia for protection from extremists and his now wanted in ukraine where the news accuse him alas mada that's here again from international relations expert about his hair with me in this chair dear so moch also your thoughts on this latest statement from the president here to college well this is a quite extraordinary statement after several days of basically being incommunicado . while technically still the having rights as the president of the ukraine after being driven out by this putsch in kiev he's released
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a rather powerful statement. making the legitimate claim that he is still the democratically elected president of the ukraine that all the decisions made by this putsch rada in kiev that was brought to power with the help of these are violent are mobs are illegitimate and ordering the ukrainian armed forces intelligence services police forces. government ministries to start coordinating what can you there be depending on which is actually ok sure which as yet we don't know for certain actually we do because it has just been absolutely well while several russian media outlets say that mr get a call that is in russia right now but he was of course on the runway now why do you think his cow with this statement right now well. i think we have seen
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a complete deterioration of the situation in kiev this putsch has shown that they really have no power. to control what is going on certainly not in the entirety of the ukraine but even more locally the ultra nationalist mobs which which they cynically made an attempt to ride the tiger of their violence into power are now in control of the streets the right sector we have seen large scale human rights abuses. and attacks on cultural religious bodies and locations we have seen. deputies that have been beaten received death threats in order to get them to vote the correct way in support of this porch so and last night we saw the announcement
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of. a provisional new government that had to receive approval from these violent are mobs. on them i don that included two very shady ultra nationalist figures. and roche who many western commentators have previously referred to. as nazis neo nazis and a host of other. unsavory characters as well as a minister of lustration indicating a kind of political repression across the country so. i guess at this point must feel he has no alternative except to try to restore order to the country. which warned as well of political risks if there papal in ukraine continues is that
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what we're seeing right now in crimea. absolutely we have seen the last few days we have seen very large pro russian protests we have seen some. considerably smaller tore protests in favor of the putsch government in kiev and this unrest has resulted in several deaths numerous injuries this latest incident with a number of russian protesters taking control of the. route and raising the russian flag. this is being played out over a larger scale over the entirety of the ukraine were almost on reported by the western media we've seen violent clashes between these ultra nationalists attempting to deface historical and cultural statues seize government buildings being repulsed by. so forming militias in cities across the south in the east there
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is complete chaos across much of the country right about international relations expert not many thanks indeed thank you as always thank you. to be an ambassador you need patients tucked under sun a dose of statesmanship or if you want to be a top envoy for barack obama just fund his campaign and buy recently for the u.s. president is election bankrollers now number career diplomats but some have never even set foot in the countries they're supposed to serve in as guy letter to counterparts confirmation hearings every deal that a number of president obama's nominees for a basket of ships have little or no knowledge of the countries they're assigned to serve in there are. a real expert on china said the man who is confirmed as u.s. ambassador to china one of norway's major political parties progress party now expects an apology from president obama after the future bastard to norway
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apparently did know about their existence norway has been very quick to denounce. them. we're going to continue to work with norway to make sure government has denounced them the coalition government a part of the coalition of the government but i would say you know what again i reiterate i think corrected but what george sunis does know is how to run hotels and how to raise money he has reportedly bundler contributed more than one point three million dollars for president obama's election campaign he's not alone more than half of the president's political appointees are his sponsors and or fundraisers the reported quote unquote price paid by his donors for ambassadorships stands at nearly two million dollars. to those concerned about the qualifications of its nominees the white house has a diplomatic answer being a donor to the president's campaign does not guarantee you
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a job in the ministration but it does not prevent you from getting many are worried about the message that some of these appointments send to the world drugs or reinforces the perception that. the americans are not listening to their counterparts because the policies are made in washington and the people who are delivering that policy really are instructed to deliver and what they're getting back isn't going to have any input whatsoever into the decision making process that is of course if they know what washington's policies are do you agree that the u.s. embassy in china should be an island of freedom that's a question i am going to have to get back to. work with ministration i do not know that the destruction policy precisely on that point career diplomats and some lawmakers here are now worried not just about some of the current nominations but about the standards for future diplomats they don't want the message to be oh you
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don't have to be an expert on the country where you are going to serve on behalf of your government and then there is the broader question all kind of diplomacy can you expect from such diplomats in washington i'm going to check out our team. unrest in venezuela is now spreading beyond the capital caracas there have been street battles between and to government protesters and police in the northern city of l.n. c.-a of a crime levels and the struggling economy that security forces were attacked with rocks and homemade explosives they responded with rubber bullets and tear gas protesters also looted a launch supermarket and mark you have accomplished to have been two weeks of writing it is well involving thousands of people angry at the living conditions and soaring crime sixteen people have died in the violence which some suspect is being fueled from outside. the major force driving the opposition is really u.s. support venezuela is crucial to a block of countries in latin america that have broken free of total u.s.
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domination venezuela is key to this and the u.s. is making an all out effort through creating artificial shortages courting speculation and it's used in popular ways in the media to try to connect it to the occupy wall street movement but these are occupiers who are fighting for wall street at every at every single point they want to connect re colonise and control a whole number of countries that have broken free and that's really what is going on in in country after country but in venezuela in a very sharp way right now. under a recap of our top story now ukraine's ousted president viktor yanukovych has reportedly turned up in russia after being missing for several days that's according to several russian news agencies sizing as sol's released a statement asking for perception from extremists in
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a call that you also believes is still the democratically elected leader of ukraine and says the decisions of the new parliament in kiev i'm not a cement will bring you more details on these developments as we get them. and up next at the militants firing on all cylinders against me see a white wash and breaking bad. minnesota vikings football player jared allen like many pro athlete stereotypes is actually doing something for society with us and f.l. fame and fortune he is providing homes for turning wounded u.s. veterans good job mr allan generally for some reason wealthy people don't do much to help other people besides giving money to charity to get some sort of tax break
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kickback the thing they don't realize that helping other people out is actually in the best interest of rich guys too if they would ever just stop to think about it a little more so mega wealthy that you could live in total isolation you're going to have to deal with the rest of the people in your country and the better off that average guy is the less likely he's going to need to steal from you to get by ellen's work is fantastic because it gets veterans out of a desperate situation returning home wounded trying to struggle to find work in a bad economy and treat their wounds in a massively over expensive medical system yet ellis point is a drop in the bucket for the over twenty million american servicemen who have come back home but it shows that a wounded veteran with a place to live as a much better chance at a good life and the fewer vets there are living under a bridge the better society will be but that's just my opinion.
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hello welcome to breaking the set i'm at a martin show for you today i'll be talking about religious persecution in the military government trolls and patrolling the net threats that undermine u.s. democracy and a tribute to comedian bill hicks that stick around we got a lot. that's to break. the law. it's a. very hard to take a. look. at you ever had sex with her right there.
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it's no secret that islamophobia is bred in the u.s. military in fact some would argue that it's a necessary tool to humanize the enemy in order to carry out operations in the least but extremist islam is not the only radical ideology influencing how the military functions in fact one group called the officers christian fellowship is made up of over fifteen thousand five hundred fundamentalist christian military officers who don't think their oath is to the constitution but in fact to the bible or the organizations own website it's purpose is to quote glorify god by uniting christian officers for biblical fellowship and outreach equipping and encouraging them to minister effectively in the military society sounds innocuous enough but according to some of the military there's a brutal culture of bowling and harassment for those who just aren't christian enough so here to discuss this unreported issue i'm joined now by r.t. correspondent ana stasi
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a church thanks so much for researching as nazia what did you learn from your investigation about the prevalence of religious extremism in the military while abbie one of the first things was certainly the fact that it's definitely something that's hugely under reported and not really talked about i mean a. we did see concerns about extremist christianity make headlines in the me to some of the outlets during the peaks of the iraq and afghan war but this topic has certainly kind of disappeared and been brushed aside and not discussed as opposed to you know the role of islam like you just mentioned and as it turns out this issue is certainly still around and it's a very serious one because it's not only affecting as it turned out and we've discovered you know the enemy but it's also affecting soldiers at home because of in some cases very severe pressure that is being imposed on them of being either of a different religion or not being christian enough like you said and another shocking thing to discover.


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